J’s Lunch Counter – Episode 43 – Trump Fires FBI Director…And Pays Dearly
J’s Lunch Counter Episode 43 covers the latest in the firing of FBI Director James Comey and the subsequent fallout. I am joined by my good friend and political scientist Meredith Scalos, and together we explore the impact of President Trump’s recent behavior in firing the FBI Director after months of attempting to influence Comey to end the investigation between the Trump campaign and Russia. We look at the relationship between President Trump and his FBI Director and the information being reported by various news outlets about Trump’s attempt to influence the investigation into his ties to Russia. We look at the testimony of former attorney general Sally Yates regarding Michael Flynn, and whether Trump may have obstructed justice by interfering into the Flynn investigation. We take a look at the unprecedented nature of this presidency and how difficult its become to keep this story in the proper perspective. We also look at Russia’s role in influencing the U.S. election, Putin’s motives, and whether its realistic to expect Russia to be held accountable for their actions. This show is jam-packed with news and information about the past 8 days of news and information, and we’re here to try and make sense of everything.
Below are a list of links from stories and articles referenced on today’s show, along with a series of links and videos that can help aid your understanding of the information shared on the show:
Bill Clinton Fired An FBI Director Two Decades Before Trump – http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/10/politics/fbi-william-sessions-firing/
Trump Interview With Lester Holt: President Asked Comey If He Was Under Investigation – http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trump-reveals-he-asked-comey-whether-he-was-under-investigation-n757821
Trump defends sharing ‘facts’ with Russia for ‘humanitarian reasons’ – http://www.politico.eu/article/trump-defends-sharing-facts-with-russia-for-humanitarian-reasons/
Trump’s tweets, interviews could cost him executive privilege – https://thinkprogress.org/trumps-tweets-interviews-could-cost-him-executive-privilege-d49d667290e7
Syria’s war: Who is fighting and why – Syria’s war: Who is fighting and why [Updated]
From Spy To President: The Rise of Vladimir Putin – From spy to president: The rise of Vladimir Putin
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